365. Maximum Life Skills

Sometime you have to endure something to achieve something. For two teenagers it meant that they had to live in prison for years. But still many think that it was a better outcome than staying additional months at Maximum Life Skills.

Unfortunately an innocent counselor died during the events which led to their imprisonment – A man with so much potential whose life was cut short. This counselor was led down by the management. The other teenagers forced to live at the facility was led down forced to witness the terrible events.

The state of Utah closed down Maximum Life Skills. They had not secured proper paperwork when they took in out-of-state students. They had not employees in the right number working at all time 24-7.

It seems odd that the manager in charge now runs Second Chances located in LaVerkin. Maybe it is only a question of time before the next tragedy happens.

It could not have been fun to be there as a teenager.


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About birthe1951

Jeg sidder her og venter på at få overstået de sidste år inden at jeg går på efterløn. Ryggen er ikke god længere og min mand er faldet bort. Jeg kunne gå efter et skånejob men et eller andet sted er jeg for stolt. Jeg har altid klaret mig selv siden at jeg flyttede sammen med min afdøde mand. Børn fik vi aldrig, men både min bror og min søster har nogle som jeg har nydt at være sammen med. Min fritid går med at læse gammel litteratur og jeg er flittigt bruger af bibliotekets læsesal i min sparsomme fritid, så jeg kan holde mig opdateret om tingenes tilstand. Ja og så blev jeg bruger af denne nymodens teknologi med ekspertise på brugerniveau med hensyn til både maskinel og programmel, som de unge kalder hard- og software. Indtil 2013 holdte min blog til på Avisen 24 timers hjemmeside, men tiderne var dårlige og avisen lukkede d. 21 marts 2013. Derfor transporterede jeg alle blog-indlæg hertil og nu fortsætter jeg min skriveri her.

One response to “365. Maximum Life Skills”

  1. Adam AhQuin says :

    This is Adam AhQuin and I am sad that the whole story of what happened was not posted on your site. Furthermore it’s sad that you would attack the amazing good work we are doing at Second Chances in an effort to what? Spread hateful information about people you don’t even know? I hope you would be open minded to visiting our school and see what we do here at Second Chances actually meeting me and hearing the real story of what happened. Please don’t spread unfair judgment before you know all the information.

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