43. Robert Land Academy

In Canada some kind of man with a rather unknown career as s soldier decided to found a military bording school which could take care of both odinary boys but also at risk teenagers. The school was opened in 1978.

Students state:

This school is not what they say in their website. This school is not for troubled teen. We registered our challenging son there. After couple of weeks he found out how he could dismissed himself from the place. They will send kids home for suspension!!! If they do some fight which normally happened in high school let alone for challenging boys, they will send you email to come and get your son home. So, this is the solution for that challenging kids to choose not to stay there. You will experience a lot of stress and it will end up to loose your money. They suspend our kids for 2 times and they didnt accept him back to school with no refund!! Please take this serious and know that this school is not designed for challenging kids that suffer from ADHD, ADD, ODD or other disorder.

Osanak M. on Yelp

I know a lot of people can be written off as people trashing the school out of spite, but I want to try and write an objective review without all that. It’s been many years since I attended, so this is coloured with time and not just something I typed out as soon as leaving.

I don’t agree with the school or its methods. I think it usually attempts to reform bad behavior by simply producing an environment that forces compliance via fear and pain instead of attacking any roots of the problem. Most changes that are a result of the school specifically are short lived, and I believe most of the lasting changes are made by the passage of time and the students’ own will to change, which could be gotten anywhere. Simply intimidating someone into obedience does not help that person carry it over into later life, or really produce any positive changes at all for that matter.

Then there’s the issue of the school’s treatment of students which I think is harsh and often verges into the territory of mental or physical abuse. Whether you believe that the punishments of the school constitute abuse or not, there are certainly staff members who have been overtly abusive and faced no consequences where in most other schools it would be hugely scandalous.

All that said, it has been years since I’ve been. I’ve heard that it’s gotten a lot less “extreme” but I can only review from what I knew, and even from that I think the school has too much of a negative past to even condone its continued operation.

Max S. on Yelp

Needless to say: 3 boys have decided that their lives were not worth living after they had been sent there. Two was hit by a train in an incident looking very much like a suicide pact. One jumped out of his parents car returning to the military school into oncoming traffic.

It doesn’t sound like a fun place for teenagers.


News articles:

Student testimonies and message boards:

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About jack1993

Gymnasieelev bosiddende i Aalborg

6 responses to “43. Robert Land Academy”

  1. Lexie says :

    I am greatly saddened when any individual chooses to take his/her own life, but in many cases, others attempt to empower the individual. Granted each person responds to different approaches, but at the end of the day, if the public school system refused to educate you, you eventually have to realize that your actions and choices in life where likely not the best. Again, an approach for one student may not work for another. It is extremely unfortunate that these individuals chose the path they did. Given that the school has not been found to be at fault in their practices, I can’t help but wish there was an effective way to instill a sense of humanity, respect, accountability,responsibility and character that I witnessed and adopted from my great grandparents, grandparents and parents. Many of my friends were not as fortunate to have elders with high expectations and clear, consistent ideals on what was acceptable behaviour and that kindness and compassion were traits that need not be rewarded, as you received the reward from being able to help.

    When it comes to this particular academy, I can attest that three of my elementary school friends who found themselves making horribly wrong choices, attribute not only the fact they are alive today but that they are leading fulfilling, productive and successful lives.

    • MW says :

      Lexie, why are you posting for your three friends from elementary school?

      I never went to Robert Land Academy, but I can tell you that it isn’t exactly something you see everyday, when somebody speaks for other people about their experiences in military academies… Nothing is very credible about that.

    • Danny Macc says :

      As someone who went to Robert Land Academy, I have to say, you have no right commenting for your friends that went here. You haven’t the slightest idea what kind of abuse and mental torture we went through. They may have changed their lives and are alive “because” of it, but that in no way makes how this school did anything acceptable. I was brutally beat both physically and emotionally by members of the staff. Our mail was screened and our parents had no idea what was happening to us. A dog listens to its owners, but beating it to inches of it’s life to make it do so is NOT right. That was the mentality of our commanding officers. I’m offended by your comments and would hope that you rethink what you say on others behalf in the future.

  2. Mark says :

    I went there the first year it opened. Horrible year. They had no clue how to run a school. I was beat many times during that year. Told my mom if she sent me back I’d kill myself. She believed me and I never went back. Still think about that place all the time. I was eleven

    • Archer says :

      Robert land has changed a lot since then, I attended the academy for 2 years 2017 and 2018 and I can say that there is no beating by members of staff anymore. The school is designed now for a purpose and that is to break you down to build you up again. If you are not willing to do that you will not succeed at this school. I was a Barracks ic (in charge of around 40 students) and the staff always made sure that i was well fed, properly looked after and even during discipline we were always hydrated. From what I know though from talking with alumni, the school changed to this new ideology in around 2010 approximately, and this is because of a change in staff. With that being said, I can not speak for previous cadets as i know that they witnessed horrors.

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